Your donations will help us grow our community garden next season, provide healthy and affordable fresh produce to our community members, and educate a new generation of food justice activists. This year we need to raise $1,500. We appreciate any help you can provide.
CATA’s Organic Community Garden in Bridgeton, NJ, thrived during the pandemic, bringing a source of fresh produce to the immigrant community at a time when fresh food was scarce for some families. Unfortunately, this pandemic has taught us our agricultural system is not reliable in feeding our people. The immigrant community we serve was affected tremendously and disproportionally. Yet, despite the many challenges we faced, we harvested almost 500 lbs. of produce in over 20 different varieties.
We also initiated a weekly market day and donated a lot of products to local organizations. Our efforts were recognized by the City of Bridgeton, NJ, by providing us with a designated spot at Downtown Bridgeton to host our weekly market once per month. Also, we harvested nine new Food Justice Activists through our new Youth Internship. They learned about issues affecting our current food system and gardening techniques. Additionally, they strengthened some of their soft skills by managing the market day and doing outreach to the community.
Your support will enable us to continue our struggle to provide food from our community garden to the community we serve, educate future Food Justice Activists, and expand our Food Justice work in South Jersey. If you'd like more information on how you can be involved, please reach out to Kathia Ramirez, our Food Justice Program Coordinator at kramirez@cata-farmworkers.org or visit https://www.cata-farmworkers.org/food-justice